# Introduction

This is a workshop that will let you know how you can add validation to a vue.js application with vuelidate library and then just deploy it live.

# Meet Vuelidate (opens new window)

# What you'll need

# What you'll build

Landing page Vue.js

# What are we going to do:

  • Include vuelidate via dependencies
  • Add validation for name
  • Add validation for email
  • Add validation for country
  • Add validation for password
  • Add validation for password confirmation
  • Add logic for submitMe method

# Start from here

Open this codesandbox once you are logged in: Codesandbox template (opens new window)

Don't forget to select Auto Save from File menu on the codesandbox editor.

# Include vuelidate dependency

We do this by simply pressing "Add Dependency". In the search box look for vuelidate and add it.

Open main.js and add the following import and use:

import Vuelidate from "vuelidate";


# Import validations

Open components\TheForm.vue and right after the opening <script> add the import for the vuetify validations that we'll use:

import { required, email, sameAs } from "vuelidate/lib/validators";

Then after the data(){} block add an empty one like this:

validations: {


# Add name validation

In the components\TheForm.vue add the validation for name form filed inside validations block.


Find in the template of the component the html element

<input v-model.trim="name" class="input"  type="text" placeholder="Name">

tip: search for v-model.trim="name"

and replace it with :

 <input v-model.trim="name" :class="{'is-danger': $v.name.$error}" class="input"  type="text" placeholder="Name">

and then, after the closing </p> that contain the input add:

<!-- error paragraph after this -->
<p  v-if="$v.name.$dirty && !$v.name.required" class="help is-danger"> This field is required.</p>

# Add email validation

In the components\TheForm.vue add the validation for email form filed inside validations block.

,email: { required, email }

Find in the template of the component the html element

<input class="input" v-model="email" type="email" placeholder="name@comp.cc" >

tip: search for v-model="email"

and replace it with :

<input class="input" v-model="email"  :class="{'is-danger': $v.email.$error}" type="email" placeholder="name@comp.cc">

and then, after the closing </p> that contain the input add:

<!-- error paragraph after this -->
<p  v-if="$v.email.$dirty && !$v.email.required" class="help is-danger">This field is required</p>
<p  v-if="$v.email.$dirty && !$v.email.email" class="help is-danger">This field is incorect</p>

# Add country validation

In the components\TheForm.vue add the validation for name form filed in the validations block.


Find in the template of the component the html element

 <select v-model="country">

tip: search for v-model="country"

and replace only the opening tag <div> right above it with :

<div class="select is-fullwidth" :class="{ 'is-danger': $v.country.$error }" >

and then, after the closing </div> that contain the select add:

<!-- error paragraph after this -->
<p v-if="$v.country.$dirty && !$v.country.required" class="help is-danger">This field is incorect.</p>

# Add password validation

In the components\TheForm.vue add the validation for pass form filed in the validations block.

pass: { required },

Find in the template of the component the html element

 <input v-model="pass" class="input" type="password" placeholder="Password" />

tip: search for v-model="pass"

and replace it with :

<input v-model="pass" :class="{ 'is-danger': $v.pass.$error }" class="input" type="password" placeholder="Password"/>

and then, after the closing </div> that contain the input add:

<!-- error paragraph after this -->
<p v-if="$v.pass.$dirty && !$v.pass.required" class="help is-danger" >
This field is required.

# Add password confirmation validation

In the components\TheForm.vue add the validation for passConfirm form filed in the validations block.

passConfirm: { required, sameAsPass: sameAs("pass") },

Find in the template of the component the html element

<input v-model="passConfirm" class="input" type="password" placeholder="Password" />

tip: search for v-model="passConfirm"

and replace it with :

<input v-model="passConfirm" :class="{ 'is-danger': $v.passConfirm.$error }" class="input" type="password" placeholder="Password" />

and then, after the closing </div> that contain the input add:

<!-- error paragraph after this -->
 <p v-if="$v.passConfirm.$dirty && !$v.passConfirm.required" class="help is-danger" >
    This field is required.
<p v-if="$v.passConfirm.$dirty && !$v.passConfirm.sameAsPass" class="help is-danger" >
    This field is not the same as password.

Let's create a custom validation for consent. We add the following method after the import statement.

//agree with terms and conditions
const mustBeTrue = (value) => {
  return value === true;

This simple validation will just check the received value is true.

In the components\TheForm.vue add the validation for consent form filed in the validation block.

//add me inside validation block
consent: { mustBeTrue },

Find in the template of the component the html element

<input type="checkbox" v-model="consent" />

tip: search for v-model="consent"

and replace it with :

 <input type="checkbox"   v-model="consent"  :class="{ 'is-danger': $v.consent.$error }" />

and then, after the closing </label> that contain the input add:

<!-- error paragraph after this -->
 <p v-if="$v.consent.$dirty && !$v.consent.mustBeTrue" class="help is-danger" >
    You must agree with terms and condition.

# Add logic for submitMe method

In the components\TheForm.vue replace the submitMe function from the methods block with the new one:

 submitMe() {
    // force touch to verify all fields
    window.scrollTo({top:0, behavior:"smooth"});

    if (!this.$v.$invalid) console.log("submiting ...." + this.name);

Now we are using vuelidate to force the form to validate all the fields updated or not in the component using this.$v.$touch() and then we permit the submitting of the form only if all validation rules are valid using $v.$invalid.

In case you want to directly see the final version go to this url: Workshop completed (opens new window)

# Congratulations

You have learned validation with Vuelidate (opens new window). Following this workshop gave you knowledge of adding and using a validation framework inside a Vue.js application.

If you enjoyed the workshop and want to keep in touch join our community: community.

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